Oma's Eierlikör
Ingredients list for 1 bottle

1 bottle of plum schnapps or white rum or vodka

125g icing sugar

2 large tins evaporated milk (400g)

4 tsp vanilla sugar

12 egg yolks

Oma's Eierlikör

Classic and creamy drink to sip on.


In a heatproof mixing bowl, combine the vanilla sugar with the egg yolks.

Slowly add the icing sugar and the evaporated milk.

Now add the plum schnapps or rum or vodka.

Place the bowl over a pot of boiling water, making sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl. Stir continuously until the mixture gets thicker.

Fill the warm mixture into bottles.

Please note that the mixture will thicken further in the bottles, if too thick add either milk or schnapps/rum/vodka and shake the mixture in the bottle.

Chefs Tip

Use a standard size bottle of alcohol (0.75) but fill the mixture into a 1 litre bottle. Sterilise the bottle before filling it.

Ensure your plum schnapps has an ABV of around 40% and no less than 37.5%. Plum schnapps works best, if you can't find it use white rum, vodka or obstler.